Solution for a healthy smile in Mexico: All-on-4® treatment
all-on-4 in Mexico

Your long-term solution for a healthy smile in Mexico:
All-on-4® treatment

all-on-4 in Mexico

As we age, our teeth and gums can undergo significant wear and tear, leading to a range of dental issues such as decay, missing teeth, gum disease, and more. The All-on-4® treatment is a revolutionary dental implant procedure that offers a permanent solution for those who have lost most, if not all, of their teeth. A dental vacation in Mexico can be an excellent option for those looking for high-quality dental care at an affordable price. Particularly, Tijuana is a popular destination for dental tourism for you to consider when seeking these kinds of important treatments.

At I love my dentist®, our team of certified and bilingual dental professionals specializes in All-on-4 treatments. This procedure uses four dental implants to support a full arch of replacement teeth, providing a fixed, stable, and long-lasting solution to missing teeth. The implants are strategically placed at specific angles to maximize support and minimize the need for bone grafting. With All-on-4®, patients can enjoy a beautiful, functional, and confident smile.

all-on-4 in Mexico

But why choose Mexico for your All-on-4® treatment? Here are some of the benefits:

  • Cost: One of the biggest reasons people choose Tijuana for dental treatment is the cost. This treatment  in the United States can be very expensive, but the cost of All-on-4® in Mexico can be up to 50% less. Our clinic accepts ALL U.S. insurances for all All-on-4® treatment plants, or any other procedures. 
  • Quality: Our doctors at I love my dentist® follow the same standards and protocols as those in the United States, and use the latest technologies and techniques to provide high-quality dental care. We also use the best brands of dental implants in the market including Straumann and NeoDent, that helps ensure the success of the treatment. 
  • Convenience: Mexico, especially Tijuana, is just a short drive from the United States-Mexico border, making it a convenient option for those who live in California, Arizona, or other nearby states. At I love my dentist® offer shuttle services to and from the border, as well as assistance with lodging and transportation in case you plan on visiting us from further away.
  • Dental vacation in Mexico: Why not combine your dental treatment with a relaxing vacation? Mexico is a vibrant country with plenty to see and do, from shopping and dining to cultural attractions and outdoor activities. You can enjoy a dental vacation in Tijuana and return home with a beautiful new smile and unforgettable memories.
  • Advanced Dental Technology: An All-on-4® procedure requires the use of advanced dental technology, such as digital imaging and computer-aided design and manufacturing. I love my dentist® is equipped with top notch technology, which means you can expect the same level of precision and accuracy as you would in the US.

When considering an All-on-4® treatment in Mexico, it is essential to choose a reputable and experienced dental clinic. At I love my dentist®, we pride ourselves on offering high-quality dental care, following ADA and FDA protocols. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a comfortable and positive experience for all of our patients, and we are committed to providing you with personalized treatment plans.

Additionally to dental implants for you, our clinic offers many other esthetic and functional treatments that can help transform your smile.

Contact us TODAY for more information and book your appointment to start your dental journey with an All-on-4® with us at I love my dentist® in Mexico!

tijuana dentistry

Check us out on YELP, I love my dentist, the #1 rated dental practice in Mexico.
View All-on-4 in Mexico price list here.
View more dental treatments here.
Learn about our Tijuana Dentistry practice here.

I love my dentist Tijuana: All-on-4 dental implants in Mexico, the best-rated dentist in Mexico.

tijuana dentistry


Ave. Revolucion #868 C. 2nd. floor
Tijuana, B.C. Mexico, 22000


Temporary office hours due to Covid-19
Mon – Fri / 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday / 9:00AM – 6:00PM
24/7 Dental Emergencies.

Call directly:
USA: (619) 452-2823
MEX: (664) 685-3862