Stop Ignoring Your Snoring: The Importance of Treating Sleep Apnea
Treating Sleep Apnea in Tijuana

Stop Ignoring Your Snoring: The Importance of Treating Sleep Apnea.

Treating Sleep Apnea in Tijuana

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that’s characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep and can lead to a variety of health problems if left untreated. One of the main causes of sleep apnea is an obstruction in the airway, which can occur due to factors such as obesity, enlarged tonsils, or a narrow throat. Other risk factors include smoking, alcohol consumption, and age. If left untreated, sleep apnea can contribute to a range of health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

At I love my dentist®, we recognize the importance of addressing sleep apnea and offer a range of treatment options, including guards and devices for different cases and budgets. Our team of doctors and professionals specialize in mild to moderate cases, and will work to help you find the best solution for your needs, ensuring that you receive the proper care to get a great night’s sleep. *Ignoring the condition can have serious consequences and may even be life-threatening in severe cases.

We work with 4 major US brands of therapy appliances, depending on your case:

EMA® Oral Appliance: This device involves a gentle forward movement of the lower jaw, which helps to unblock the airway and prevent interruptions in breathing while asleep. It is custom-fitted to the unique needs of each patient and is equipped with nine different lengths and four different strengths of straps to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness.

Apex® KAVA Dorsal: This sophisticated FDA cleared device features a unique mandibular advancement dorsal screw that provides a refined and effective design. One of its key benefits is its reduced thickness, which maximizes comfort for the wearer. Additionally, it is constructed using reinforced materials for added strength and durability. 

Oravan® OSA: This FDA cleared device features a unique, open anterior design that eliminates hidden retainers, splints or maxillary guards, ensuring maximum comfort for the patient. The appliance is designed with separate top and bottom clear custom acrylic pieces, allowing patients to easily open and close their mouth and lips, speak clearly, yawn, and drink while using the device.

Panthera Sleep® Appliance: A state-of-the-art device that provides exceptional precision and customization. Printed digitally and the smallest in the market, this Sleep Apnea treatment boasts a fully open anterior design, which means it has no hidden retainers, splints, or maxillary guards.

In addition to seeking professional treatment, there are several steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing sleep apnea. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding alcohol and tobacco, and sleeping on your side rather than your back.

At I love my dentist®, we’re committed to providing high-quality care and helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Contact us TODAY at (619)452-2823 to learn more about our sleep apnea treatment options and take the first step towards a better night’s sleep for you. 

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Ave. Revolucion #868 C. 2nd. floor
Tijuana, B.C. Mexico, 22000


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Mon – Fri / 9:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday / 9:00AM – 6:00PM
24/7 Dental Emergencies.

Call directly:
USA: (619) 452-2823
MEX: (664) 685-3862