Foods to eat after a wisdom tooth extraction?
What foods can I eat after a wisdom tooth extraction?
One of the procedures that can cause more pain and discomfort, are wisdom tooth extractions, so it is always important to follow promptly the indications indicated by the dentist, as this will speed up your recovery process and also prevent you from suffering an infection that complicates all the treatment.Foods you can eat after an extraction
Cold foods.These will help to reduce inflammation of the wounds and speed up your recovery process, these types of foods are recommended during the first hours after having gone through an wisdom tooth extraction. Some foods you can eat are:
- Mango smoothie
- Scraping currant
- Frappuccino
- Cajeta ice cream
- Lemon ice cream
Remember to avoid drinking fluids with a straw, as this can cause the clots that help with the healing process to disappear.
PureesConsuming foods in porridge or purées is one of the best recommendations that you can follow
Since this type of food prevents you from chewing too much, which will make your recovery process more efficient. The purees that you can consume can be made based on:- Broccoli
- Pumpkin
- Spinach
- Potato
- Fruits like the apple
- Desserts
Other foods that you can also enjoy after having a dental extraction are sweet foods such as:
- Chocolate nustard
- Vanilla flan
- Yogurt mousse
- Meringue
- Mamey gelatin
- Dairy products
Due to their soft consistency, these foods are ideal for the recovery process, some examples of dairy that you can consume are:
- Greek yogurt
- Cheese
- Smoothies with natural fruits
- Cream
- Atole
- Creams and soups
Due to the amount of nutrients they contain, creams and soups are a great source of recovery. Remember to consume this type of food 2 days after having undergone an extraction. These are some soups that we recommend eating:
- Carrot cream
- Chicken soup
- Cream of broccoli
- Noodle Soup
- Beef broth
Foods that you should avoid after getting your wisdom tooth extracted
Although a wisdom tooth extraction is an easy and fast procedure, the care that you must follow after the operation is of great importance, that is why there are some foods that you should avoid so as not to interrupt with the recovery process like the following ones:- Spicy
- Fritters and sausages
- Cereals, seeds or small grains
- Sticky and hard foods
- Refreshments
In the same way you should avoid foods that have to be chewed like chicken or meat or those that may be lodged in the place where you had surgery.
Following these recommendations your recovery process will be quick and without complications. If you have pain or discomfort do not hesitate to go to a medical review in dentistry, as we have specialized doctors who will give you the most personalized care and offer you the best solution for any dental problem you have.
- Learn more about wisdom teeth pain-free extractions here.
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